Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pennsylvania Part 1: Blessed Assurance

I know everyone is anxious to read about our trip to Pennsylvania.  I completely filled my memory card with pictures and movies that I can't wait to share...but I won't burden you will all 397 photos and I won't put it all in one post.  The purpose of this trip was to gather with my relatives on my dad's side of the family to celebrate Nana's 90th birthday.  Nana is my dad's mother and for whom I write this blog. *smile*

Nana has had an exciting life with many changes, but one thing has stood the test of time: her love of music.  When she was a young girl, her mother passed away and her father had no choice but to put her and her younger brother and sister in a children's home.  Her oldest brother was able to work and did not need to be homed.  It was at the orphanage that she started singing.  She became part of a traveling group of children that sang to raise money for the home.  After her father remarried, he brought the children back home.  Her "second mother" was Anna and this is who I am named after.  The four total children sang together, each one taking a part.

One of the best moments of this reunion/party was witnessing Nana and her brother and sister singing hymns.  The eldest brother has passed away, so my dad sang his part.
Nana is on the left, singing alto.  My dad is the baritone.  (Great) Uncle Harry is tenor.  And (Great) Aunt Margaret is soprano.  I had no idea such talent existed in my relatives.
Great Aunt Margaret told a story of how when she was in high school, they wanted her to sing for her profession.  She went home to tell her family and her second mother Anna said, "God gave you this talent and you can only use it for Him."  For the next hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness, a cousin added piano accompaniment (and Erika, my older sister, and I hummed along).  I love how the women don't even need the hymnal.  These words are part of them, as they should be a part of us.  If you watch the video all the way to the end, you see a surprise! Another first for Lula!
I can't say it enough: the opportunity to hear Nana and her siblings sing was priceless.  Thank you, Dad, for bringing us all together!