Monday, March 18, 2013

The New Leprechaun

IJ, an avid reader of my blog, has never quite forgiven me for fooling him when he was younger.  But he's a good sport and is proud to step up and take Ami's place as my co-conspirator.
"Hey, what's that?"
 While in Pennsylvania, I bought some gold coins from the chocolate factory in Lititz.  Ian scattered them for me by the blooming daffodils while the other kids were getting their boots on.  You see, I had to make them go outside.  The rain had stopped and the video games were making me crazy.
"Yes! Gold!"
It was easy to get them to find the gold.  As soon as Fiona had her boots on, she exclaimed, "Look! The daffodils are blooming!" I barely had time to get the camera turned on before they found the gold.