Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out With the Old

Here it is, New Year's Eve, and the D family is having our own little party.  We got some tasty pizza, pop, Cheetos, and ice cream!  We are going to watch as much Lord of the Rings as we can!  I might even get M to play Equate with me and the boys.  But before we get started, I want to look back on our year here at Twin Firs...

We had a lot of fun with chickens, turkeys, and guineas.  We did a lot of great homeschool activities, both here at home and out with our friends (E's favorite memory is field trips).  We saw imaginations take flight, had tons of fun at the pond, and walked in the woods.  We watched babies grow up into toddlers, toddlers into little girls, and little kids into bigger ones.  We lost a loved one.  We made new friends.  We had Cub Scout adventures: blue and gold, Pinewood Derby, rockets, Camps Thunderbird and Sheppard (S's favorite memory), and camping with our pack .

We dealt with eagles, raccoons, and hawks.  Our siblings/cousins came out for a visit.  I learned how to kill and butcher our poultry! We worked (and are working) on home improvement tasks.  M and I celebrated our 10th anniversary and we added a new baby to our growing family!  IJ's favorite memory is getting The Pirate (who can jump and balance on window sills when a cat is on the other side, raise toilet lids with his nose for a drink, and is scared to death of screeching brakes in movies).

Wow.  We had one heck of a year!  But just like M said to IJ while out riding today....Life is just like a bike ride.  Sometimes you coast down the hills, sometimes you have to work hard to get back up.  Sometimes you pedal easy and sometimes you have to just get off your bike and rest awhile. 

Happy New Year!